Friday, October 15, 2010

Welcome! and Feedback Post

Irvine Queers oficially (and finally) has a blog. The purpose of this blog is for any of those who cannot make it to meetings or for those who simply want to see what's up with the queer community. There might also be updates of what you missed out on and hopefully a flicker stream of all the fun stuff we do. Posts will pretty much be published by Riley (publicity chair), Rachel (media/historian chair), and Ron (political chair) [wow all of our names start with an "R"]. This post really doesn't have much else to cover, so it will also serve as getting feedback from all of you lovely people. Leave constructive (anonymous if you'd like) criticism about what you envision IQ to be and the board will see what they can do.

1 comment:

  1. I love IQ! I think you guys are a great organization, and I really appreciate the safe space to get together with other queer people. I don't really have any complaints, other than that the Fb page seems to display information from last year. It's made it pretty hard to find the room, and to know what's going on any given week. The calendar on the blog has helped a lot, but I think it would be really great if the location / time of the meetings could be updated. Thanks!

    (Also, I don't think you can post anonymously...either that, or I am hopelessly inept at using the computer.)
